Advice & Support
Our team are experienced to offer advice and support around your needs associated with poverty. We support with applying for benefits, debt advice, budgeting, as well as a signposting service.
Our wrap around support service ensures you are empowered enough to understand digitally the expectations from the current benefit system and other organisations.
We assist with finding a legally aided solicitor and understanding legal jargon within the family & immigration court system.
Our advocacy service can support you at meetings with professionals and give you the confidence and peace of mind that you are not alone.
Referral Process
A professional referral can be made for anyone in need of advice and support using our link
Self Referral
We also offer a self referral service to those in need of advice and support at
Application Process
We aim to carry out a needs based assessment within 12 working hours of receiving a referral.
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9.30 – 4.30pm
Saturday 12 noon till 3pm
Donate Now
What Makes Us Different

We Educate
We educate service users with the necessary skills and knowledge to become self sufficient

We Help
We help the local community to access food support and funding to prevent hunger and homelessness

We Build
We help build a stronger community free from poverty, unified on common goals stronger together

We Uplift
We aspire, inspire, empower and build confidence through our service for users to thrive in the community
Years of
Supporting the community
donors year in year out
volunteering hours