I AM SAFINA. I am a single mother with 4 children. I was suicidal when my husband left me in debt. UKeff have supported me emotionally and financially. I am suffering from a brain tumour and have to travel by bus 3 times a week out of town for treatment. I could not survive without this support. Keep Your Zakat Local so families like mine can be supported.
I AM JAMILA, a single mother with three children. I had no recourse to public funds when my husband abandoned me. UKeff battled with the Home Office to get my benefits restrictions lifted and then the Benefits Agency to help me claim benefits. I have been working part time, despite having young children and UKeff have supported me with YOUR Zakat to pay for our food and bills as I didnโt earn enough. I have no family to support me – UKeff have become my family. Please Keep your Zakat Local so they can continue to help other women like me.
I AM SAMER. I fled the Syrian war & the Red Cross helped my family join me from the refugee camp. We were given an empty property which housed my single bed and bedding. UKeff helped us to make our benefits claim and gave us financial & food support until our benefits came through. They also provided beds, bedding, carpets, sofas, house-hold items, cutlery & crockery. They found school places for our children & introduced us to other Syrian families so we could make friends. Keep your Zakat local, so UKeff can support other families like ours to make Oldham their new home.